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Working Papers

Gender Gaps in Academia: Global Evidence over the Twentieth Century

(with Alessandro Iaria and Carlo Schwarz)

revise and resubmit Econometrica


​Climbing the Ivory Tower: How Socio-Economic Background Shapes Academia

(with Ran Abramitzky, Lena Greska, Santiago Pérez, Joseph Price, and Carlo Schwarz)​




Major Publications



Measuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of Talent

(with Sebastian Hager and Carlo Schwarz)

American Economic Review, , vol. 114, no.12, pp. 4052–90,  2024


Persecution and Escape: Professional Networks and High-Skilled Emigration from Nazi Germany

(with Sascha Becker, Volker Lindenthal, and Sharun Mukand)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1-45, 2024 [lead article]


Discrimination, Managers, and Firm Performance: Evidence from "Aryanizations" in Nazi Germany

(with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

Journal of Political Economy, vol. 129, no. 9, pp. 2455-2503, 2021 [lead article]

Online Appendix [here]


Frontier Knowledge and Scientific Production: Evidence from the Collapse of International Science 

(with Alessandro Iaria and Carlo Schwarz)

Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 133, no. 2, pp. 927-991, 2018

Online Appendix [here]


The Selection of High-Skilled Emigrants (with Matthias Parey, Jens Ruhose and Nicolai Netz)

The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 776-792, 2017

Online Appendix [here]


Bombs, Brains, and Science: The Role of Human and Physical Capital for the Production of Scientific Knowledge

The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 98, no. 5, pp. 811-831, 2016 [lead article]

Online Appendix [here]


German-Jewish Émigrés and U.S. Invention (with Petra Moser and Alessandra Voena)

American Economic Review,  vol. 104, no. 10, pp. 3222-3255, 2014

Online Appendix [here]


Peer Effects in Science – Evidence from the Dismissal of Scientists in Nazi Germany

The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 838-861, 2012

Online Appendix [here]


Studying Abroad and the Effect on International Labour Market Mobility – Evidence from the Introduction of ERASMUS (with Matthias Parey)

The Economic Journal, vol. 121, no. 551, pp. 194-222, 2011


Quality Matters: The Expulsion of Professors and the Consequences for Ph.D. Student Outcomes in Nazi Germany

Journal of Political Economy, vol. 118, no. 4, pp. 787-831, 2010

Policy Reports & Book Chapters

War and Science in Ukraine (with Ina Ganguli)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 3, pp. 165-188, 2024​


The Glass Ceiling in the Ivory Tower: A Century of Gender Gaps in Academia Across the Globe

(with Alessandro Iaria and Carlo Schwarz)

VoxEU Column, CEPR, 2023


Discrimination, Managers, and Firm Performance (with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

CATO Research Brief in Economic Policy, No. 270, 2021


Wie Diskriminierung der Wirtschaft Schadet

(with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

Harvard Business Manager, 2019


The Cost of Discrimination Against Senior Jewish Managers in Nazi Germany

(with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

LSE Business Review, 2019


What Can We Learn About the Economics of Discrimination from a Chilling Study of 1930s Germany

(with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

Harvard Business Review, 2018


Should Chinese Citizens Be Kept Away From Sensitive Research at US Universities

(with Alessandro Iaria and Carlo Schwarz)

LSE Business Review, 2018


The Economic Costs of a Discriminatory Ideology (with Kilian Huber and Volker Lindenthal)

VoxEU Column, CEPR, 2018


Skilled Migrants Have Higher Earning Potential In Countries With More Inequality

(with Matthias, Parey, Jens Ruhose, and Nicolai Netz)

LSE Business Review, 2018


The Importance of Frontier Knowledge for the Generation of Ideas

(with Alessandro Iaria and Carlo Schwarz)

VoxEU Column, CEPR, 2018


Effects of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Invention: Evidence from German-Jewish Émigrés

(with Petra Moser and Alessandra Voena)

in The Long Shadow of History Vol. III. Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, eds. Stelios Michalopoulos and Elias Papaioannou, 2017


Studying Abroad and International Labour Mobility (with Matthias Parey)

VoxEU Column, CEPR, 2011


ERASMUS und Auslandserfahrungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (with Matthias Parey) 

in Mit ERASMUS im Ausland lernen und lehren (1987 – 2021), DAAD, 2011

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